To save an Excel workbook using VBA, you need to use the SAVE method to write a macro. And in that macro, you need to specify the workbook that you want to save and then use the SAVE method. When you run this code, it works like the keyboard shortcut (Control + S).
Find the unsaved Excel file under 'TemporaryItems' and restore. Recover Lost or Unsaved Excel File from AutoSave on Mac. Excel provides you with useful features as AutoSave and AutoRecover to protect file after an accident, like Excel/Mac crash or closure. AutoSave: It automatically saves a new Excel document that has been created. Enabling file access on Excel 2016 for macs. In the 2016+ versions of Excel, VBA operates in a sandbox which means that explicit permission has to be granted if any files are to be opened. This is not required if the file has been identified with a appleScript 'fileopen dialog box.
Click Next, then type a name for the spreadsheet (without the filename extension, such as.xls or.csv, which is appended to the name automatically). Enter one or more tags (optional). To choose where to save the spreadsheet, click the Where pop-up menu, choose a location, then click Export. Notes: After you specify the default file format, all new workbooks are saved in the selected file format unless you specify a different format in the Save As dialog box when you save a workbook. Some features and formatting might not be available if you save the workbook in the file format of an earlier version of Excel or another spreadsheet program. As with opening Microsoft Word files in Pages for Mac, opening Excel files within Spreadsheets for Mac is a painless process as it offers built-in support for the file type.
- Specify the workbook hat you want to save.
- Type a dot to get the list of all the properties and methods.
- Select the “Save” method out of those or type “Save”
- In the end, run the code to save the workbook.
In this tutorial, we will look at different ways that we can use to save a workbook. So make sure to open the VBA editor from the developer tab to use the code you have in this tutorial.
Helpful Links: Run a Macro – Macro Recorder – Visual Basic Editor – Personal Macro Workbook
Save the ActiveWorkbook
If you want to save the active workbook in that case you can use a code like the following code, instead of specifying the workbook by its name.
When you use the ActiveWorkbook as the workbook, VBA always refers to the workbook which is active despite in which file you are writing the code.
Save the Workbook where you are Writing Code
If you want to save the file where you are writing the code you need to use “ThisWorkbook” instead of the workbook name.
Save All the Open Workbooks
Here we can use a loop to loop through all the workbooks that are open and save them one by one. Look at the below code.
The above code uses the FOR EACH loop in each workbook it uses the SAVE method to each file one by one.
Note: If you are trying to save a workbook with the SAVE method that is not saved already, Excel will show a dialog box to ask for your permission to save that file, and then you need to choose if you want to save that file on the default location in the default format.
Now here’s the point: As you are using a macro to save the workbook, that file should be saved in the macro-enabled format and the best way to deal with this situation is to use the SAVE AS method (we’ll see in the next section of this tutorial).
Save As an Excel File
To SAVE a file that is not saved yet, using VBA, you need to use the SAVE AS method. In this method, you can define the file name and the path where you want to save the file, and apart from that, there are ten more arguments that you can define.
In the following code, you don’t have any argument with the “SAVE AS” method.
When you run this code, it asks you a few things, like, which format you want to use to save the file, do you want to replace the existing file that is already saved with the same name. So it’s better to define the use of some of the arguments.
Save As File on the Current Location
By default, VBA uses the current location to save the file. When you write code with the SAVE AS method and just specify the name that file straight goes to the current folder. You can see in the following code where you have the which saves the active workbook.
Save As File on a Specific Location
The filename argument also allows you to use the location path in case you want to use a different location to save the file.
In the above code, you have the path in the FileName argument and VBA uses that path to the file.
Note: You can also use this method to check if a workbook exists in a folder or not before you use the SAVE AS method to save it on a particular location and you can learn more about SAVE AS method from here.
More on VBA Workbooks
VBA Close Workbook | VBA Delete Workbook | VBA ThisWorkbook | VBA Rename Workbook | VBA Activate Workbook | VBA Combine Workbook | VBA Protect Workbook (Unprotect) | VBA Check IF a Workbook is Open | VBA Open Workbook | VBA Check IF an Excel Workbook Exists in a Folder| VBA Create New Workbook (Excel File)
It is easy to work with Microsoft Excel but sometimes, the application may create issues thereby hampering the smooth functioning of the workbook. One such issue is “unable to Save Excel Workbook”.
Let’s take a look at the issue of Unable to Save Excel Workbook:
Instance 1: In an organization, users connected to one of the servers (Windows 2008 R2) using Citrix – a Terminal Server configured with Windows 2008 R2 –and accessed their data through a File Server, also configured with Windows 2008R2. Since the connectivity to Shared Drive was established through a Terminal server, any conflict amongst the server configuration may create conflict in shared file.
This issue was discussed at length at one of the Tech Forums, where the users were unable to access their workbooks stored on the shared drive. The File menu did not work. As a result, the users were forced to save the workbook by creating quick access shortcut or locally on desktop. In many cases, the saving option was ruled out completely.
Instance 2: A similar problem was reported, wherein the users received an error when saving an Excel workbook after inserting a chart in an existing workbook (previously saved) or copying values from an existing workbook. A system is configured with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 10 configuration. The issue arises when the user is unable to save the changes after editing in a saved spreadsheet. The following message displays on the screen:
Further, if the user clicks ‘Continue’, the following error message is received:
“Excel encountered errors during save. However, Excel was able to minimally save your file to <file name>.”
Note: This issue impacts build Version 1707 (Build 8326.2086) and later, and also only occurs with files that are stored locally, such as on the desktop. This problem does not occur if you manually enter values or insert a chart in a newly created workbook.
Plausible reasons for ‘unable to save Excel workbook’ error:
Excel File Type To Save In For Mac Os
- The issue was detected in Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 32-bit, Service Pack 14.0.6029.1000.
- Excel version on the user system may or may not match with Excel version on File server.
- The issue of ‘Unable to Save Excel Workbook’ impacts only the Build Version 1707 (Build 8326.2086) and later.
- In case of Issue 2, the problem surfaces when the user adds files, tables or charts in the locally saved excel files, such as on the desktop.
Methods to fix ‘Unable to Save Excel Workbook’ error:
There may be an issue with the Build version or the Registry Values settings may not be appropriate, which does not allow the Excel workbooks to save.
But, before starting to resolve the issue, verify the following:
- The location where the file is to be saved may not have enough space to save the Excel file: Check the available space and save again. You may also use the option of ‘Save As’ to save the file at a new location.
- Excel file may be a shared one where edits are not allowed by a specific user: There are restrictions attached to documents and other files shared over the network. Check for these restrictions.
- Antivirus may interrupt in during file saving: Antivirus in the system may not allow saving of the files. Request the system administrator to uninstall the antivirus and reinstall after saving.
- The file is not saved within 218 characters: If the file is not saved due to the naming issue, then check the character length and try again.
- Differences in Windows versions of the local system and those on network drive may cause excel not saved issues. Check that all the systems have the same configuration and are updated to the recently available versions.
- Excel spreadsheet is corrupt: If none the above factors have not caused hindrance in saving the file, then there may be a probability of corruption in the Excel spreadsheet.
Once verified, look for a healthy and restorable backup. If backup is missing, resolve the issue of “Unable to open Excel File” with manual settings on local system or through a reliable Excel repair software.
Method 1: Modify Registry Entries
If multiple users are unable to access their workbooks stored on the shared drive and facing unable to save Excel file problem (see Instance 1 above), then follow the below steps:
- Go to ‘Registry Entry’. To do this, type ‘regedit in the Start Search box, and press ENTER.
- You are prompted for the administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.
- Locate the following registry subkey, and right-click it: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesCSC
- Point the cursor to New, and click Key
- Type ‘File Parameters’ in the available box
- Right-click Parameters, point the cursor to New, and click DWORD (32-bit)Value
- Type ‘FormatDatabase’, and press ‘ENTER’. Right-click ‘FormatDatabase’, and click ‘Modify’.
- In the Value data box, type ‘1’, and click ‘OK’
- Exit ‘Registry Editor’
- Restart system and verify if the files can be saved now.
Method 2: Try Google Uploads
If the user is unable to save the changes after editing in a locallysaved spreadsheet (see Instance 2 above), then follow these steps:
- Upload the unsaved Excel file to Google Docs. Ensure that the file gets converted to Google Sheet format
- Check if all the formulae are active and working
- Make changes to the Google Sheet and verify that all the changes are working fine
- Use the Google Sheets export feature to download the file in Excel format
Method 3: Resolve manually with Open and Repair
If the Excel file is found to have corruption, try out the Excel Open and Repair utility:
- Open a blank Excel File. Go to File and Click Open
- Go to Computers and click Browse
- Accessthe Location and Folder and clickthe arrow icon beside Open followed by Open and Repair.
The Open and Repair utility is not competitive enough and may not fix corruption in severely corrupted files. Hence, if you are unable to save Excel workbook after applying the manual methods, then you can search for a useful software-based repair utility.
Method 4: Excel file repair software:
Specifically meant to resolve Excel file corruption.
Stellar Repair for Excel helps you to repair every single object including charts, tables, their formatting, shared formulae and rules and more.
- Install and Open the software and select the corrupt Excel File. You can also click the Find option if the file location is not known
- Click Scan and allow the software to scan and repair the corrupt Excel file.
- Once repaired, the software displays the fixed file components to verify its content.
- Click Save to save the file data in a blank new file as ‘Recovered_abc.xls’, where abc.xls is the name of the original file.
See the working of the software which has been declared as a tool that provides 100% integrity and precision.
The Excel repair software takes care to save the repaired data in a new file to minimize the chances of further corruption.
‘Unable to save Excel file’ is a generic problem that may appeardue to various reasons. In this blog post, we presented some of the actualinstances reported by users on community forums.
Windows updates, the Build versions, the Service Packs of thelocal systems and those on network drive must be either similar or in sync witheach other. Any deviation may cause issues in accessing or saving the Microsoftfiles, as reported in Instance 1 is caused where user is unable to saveMicrosoft Excel file on the Network Drive. In case, the user is unable to savethe file on network drive then the problem lies with the Registry value.
Forgot To Save Excel File
Another case is when the usersreceive an error while saving an Excel workbook after they insert a chart in anexisting workbook or copying values from an existing workbook. This issue isknown to affect build Version 1707 (Build 8326.2086) and later, and only occurswith locally stored files.
Save Excel File To Word
When a user is unable to save a specific Excel file, then theproblem can be resolved using the manual methods or the software based utility.The mode of repair depends upon the level of corruption in Excel file.
Excel Vba Save File Dialog
Hence, it is suggested to analyze the nature of the problem anddecide an appropriate resolution method.