Scite Text Editor For Mac

The SciTE Text Editor, whilst being one of the most lightweight editors available, is also one of the best. I created my own package simply to provide a one-stop setup for SciTE with all the extras I, and probably most other people need. Unlike the Atom editor, Sublime Text protects and copyrights its code and is thus not the freedom-ware some would like it to be. Although the developer and community that surround Sublime text are incredible supporters of open source, the fact that Sublime text is not open source, and that the development of it has slowed down incredibly, makes it difficult for the community to get involved in. SciTE is an open source, cross-platform and freely distributed graphical software based on the ScIntilla project, implemented in C and GTK+, designed from the offset to act as a source code. A collection of Windows Explorer shell extensions with support for many Open-Source and Commercial text editors. Supports EditPad, EditPlus, EmEditor, Komodo Edit, Multi-Edit, Notepad, Programmer's Notepad, PSPad, SciTE, SlickEdit, Sublime Text, TextPad, UEStudio, UltraEdit, VEDIT, Vim and Zeus IDE.Each shell extension displays the text editor's icon. The SciTE Text Editor, whilst being one of the most lightweight editors available, is also one of the best. I created my own package simply to provide a one-stop setup for SciTE with all the extras I, and probably most other people need.

File Details

File Size2.0 MB
Operating SystemLinux, Windows 7/8/10/Vista/XP
Date AddedNovember 30, 2020
Total Downloads5,048

Publisher's Description

Scite Text Editor For Mac

SciTE is an open scorce text editor that can be both used as an editor of plain text and for an editor for programmming language. Has features like method folds, change languages and many other tools to help you edit your text better.

roymccoy reviewed v3.6.2 on Nov 8, 2015

Constantly improved and updated by developer.
Seems very stable, I've so far not had any problems.
For my semi-noob programming it is a nice tool to get a code overview and editing!

nvic reviewed v3.4.4 on Jul 7, 2014

Plenty powerful for moderate coding. I use it for work all the time.
It isn't packed with features and the editor itself is quite bare, but it does what I need, which is give me a no-nonsense editor with syntax highlighting for multiple languages and document tabs.

AutoBot reviewed v2.10 on Apr 7, 2010

There is no comparison for what SciTE is, when your doing most any sort of light duty software developing/scripting you can find more than enough uses for SciTE's capabilities. I wish there were more applications this small but useful, five stars.

Stoerpser reviewed v2.01 on Sep 3, 2009

I've learned about SciTE through AutoIt. I love it too. :D

melkor reviewed v1.75 on Jan 8, 2008

Love Scite, been using it for years. Doesn't have all the features I would want but has all the features I really need.

ssb reviewed v1.73 on May 8, 2007

Great editing engine although the editor itself is quite limited in features.
However it still deserves a 5!

Your Rating
Scite Text Editor For Mac

roymccoy reviewed v3.6.2 on Nov 8, 2015

Scite ide

Constantly improved and updated by developer.
Seems very stable, I've so far not had any problems.
For my semi-noob programming it is a nice tool to get a code overview and editing!

nvic reviewed v3.4.4 on Jul 7, 2014

Plenty powerful for moderate coding. I use it for work all the time.
It isn't packed with features and the editor itself is quite bare, but it does what I need, which is give me a no-nonsense editor with syntax highlighting for multiple languages and document tabs.

Scite Text Editor For Mac

AutoBot reviewed v2.10 on Apr 7, 2010

There is no comparison for what SciTE is, when your doing most any sort of light duty software developing/scripting you can find more than enough uses for SciTE's capabilities. I wish there were more applications this small but useful, five stars.

Stoerpser reviewed v2.01 on Sep 3, 2009

Scite Download For Windows 10

I've learned about SciTE through AutoIt. I love it too. :D

Scite Ide

melkor reviewed v1.75 on Jan 8, 2008

Love Scite, been using it for years. Doesn't have all the features I would want but has all the features I really need.

ssb reviewed v1.73 on May 8, 2007

Scite Text Editor For Mac

Great editing engine although the editor itself is quite limited in features.
However it still deserves a 5!